QQ Xiaoice
Graphic Design & Illustration


Feb 2017 to May 2018

Graphic Designer

Cuiting Lin


XiaoIce is a social assistant. She’s socially sensitive and emotional understanding.

She is now getting into people’s everyday emotional life in many different ways, and one of the most important is social media. So we need to make sure that Xiaoice appears in front of the users in the right way, matches the press.

小冰是一名社交助手。 她具有社会敏感性和情感理解力。

现在她以多种不同的方式进入人们的日常生活,其中最重要的一种就是社交媒体。 所以我们需要确保小冰以正确的方式出现在用户面前,与媒体相匹配。

As we all know, QQ is an instant messaging software service developed by Tencent. They offer a variety of services. And one of the most crucial functions is the Group Chat. There's always a host in the group chat, and the job is to be online as long as possible. And whenever people have questions or discussions, the host could be there to answer or interact with the others, which is a perfect job for Xiaoice.

QQ itself already has many characters created called the QQ Family. So the design of Xiaoice needs to match the QQ Family and could be someone special that could feed the users' needs and present the characteristic of Xiaoice.

众所周知,QQ是腾讯开发的即时通讯软件服务。 他们提供各种服务。 最重要的功能之一是群聊。 群聊里总有一个主持人,任务就是尽可能长时间在线。 每当人们有问题或讨论时,主持人都可以在那里回答或与其他人互动,这对小冰来说是一份完美的工作。

QQ本身已经创建了很多角色,叫做QQ家族。 所以小冰的设计需要与QQ家族相匹配,可以是一个可以满足用户需求,呈现小冰特色的特别的东西。


Most of the QQ users are teenagers, students from primary school or junior high. As for Xiaoice herself, the setting of her is an 18-year-old young girl. So why not just design a cute little girl for the young kids, who looks and talks just like one of their classmates, so familiar and easy to talk to.

QQ用户多为青少年、小学生或初中生。 至于小冰自己,设定的背景是一个十八岁的少女。 那么为什么不为年幼的孩子设计一个可爱的小女孩,她的外表和说话就像他们的一位同学一样,如此熟悉且易于交谈。


Character Reference 形象参考

The vision is pretty clear about QQ Xiaoice, but we still need to find someone who has a similar style and feeling as a reference. So that when we thought about Rinna, the Japanese version of Xiaoice. We have some cooperation with the team in Japan. And the character of Rinna is much similar to the image we are trying to build for Xiaoice. So we want to continue this in our design with the long straight hair, the uniform, and the adorable feeling.

QQ小冰的愿景已经很清晰了,但我们还是需要找一个风格和感觉都差不多的人作为参考。 所以当我们想到 Rinna,日本版的小冰。 我们与日本的团队有一些合作。 而 Rinna 的性格与我们试图为小冰打造的形象非常相似。 所以我们想在我们的设计中继续这一点,长直发、制服和可爱的感觉。


Design Proposal 设计方案

After the discussion, we finally came up with three different proposals. All are brilliant little girls with cute school uniforms. Proposal B is the final winner, and of course, she matches the QQ Family very well.

经过讨论,我们最终提出了三个不同的建议。 都是漂亮的小女孩,穿着可爱的校服。 提案B是最后的赢家,当然,她和QQ家族的匹配度非常好。


Animation 动画

To help Xiaoice perform better on the platform, we also did some animation to present her cuteness. So now you can quickly see her on the opening screen when you want to open the bot in your group chat.

为了帮助小冰在平台上更好的表现,我们还做了一些动画来展示她的可爱。 所以现在当你想在群聊中打开机器人时,你可以在打开屏幕上快速看到她。


Illustration 插画

Xiaoice also has a series of cartoons accompanied by some interesting conversations, which will appear in the WeChat or QQ tribe in the form of an article. There will also be times to cooperate with Xiaoice as part of the game during festivals.

Since this came out, QQ users love her soo much. We hit 158 million chatting messages in the last 520 holidays during just one day. And the rate of opening new groups in QQ group chat is 70% higher than usual. Moreover, 6.8 million groups in the QQ group chat started the conversation with Xiaoice during the event.

小冰还有一系列漫画,伴随着一些有趣的对话,会以文章的形式出现在微信或者QQ部落里。 节日期间也会有时间与小冰合作作为游戏的一部分。

自从这件事出来后,QQ用户就非常喜欢她。 在过去的520节日中,仅在一天内就收到 1.58 亿条聊天消息,QQ群里的新群打开率比平时高70%。 活动期间,QQ群里的680万群发起了与小冰的对话。


Illustration Guideline 插图规范

To make this more regular and more accessible for other designers to join, we also made a guideline to tell the key aspects that you need to pay attention to, including the color, the weight of the line, and the recommended drawing process.



