Logo & Visual Identity

Bhakti 标志和视觉识别设计

Nov 2016 to Dec 2016

Graphic Designer


Bhakti is an international company in Malaysia specializing in eco-friendly, stylish, and humanized yoga products. They want to create a logo that could represent the spirit of “Bhakti”, which means love and devotion.

Bhakti是马来西亚的一家公司,专注于环保、时尚、人性化的瑜伽产品。 他们想创造一个可以代表“Bhakti”精神的标志,这意味着爱和奉献。

High Quality, Nature, and Professional

Brand Key Words


Design Process 设计过程

Mood Board 情绪板

I collected many different yoga logo designs as a reference. And what the customer thought is the same as mine, considering the spirit of yoga and the brand's faith. The logo design should not be too heavy and complicated. It should be more light and smooth.

我收集了许多不同的瑜伽标志设计作为参考。 考虑到瑜伽精神和品牌信仰,客户的想法与我的相同。 标志设计不应过于沉重和复杂。 它应该更轻更光滑。


Design Proposals 设计方案

Proposal A

Understanding the brand's meaning, we got the first draft. First, extracting some representational object concept, and then deformation using abstraction.

The merger hands mean "gratitude" and "blessing." Leaves represent "environmental protection," the logo will combine the brand's pursuit of "participation," "dedication," and "love" and "environmental protection" together, hope the best vision convey to more practitioners, which is Health, happiness, gratitude and positive way of life. And also, be grateful for consumer's support and love with environmental and fashion product services.


了解了品牌的含义,我们得到了初稿。 首先,提取一些具有代表性的对象概念,然后使用抽象进行变形。
合并手的意思是“感恩”和“祝福”。 树叶代表“环保”,标志将品牌对“参与”、“奉献”、“爱”和“环保”的追求结合在一起,希望将最好的愿景传达给更多的实践者,即健康、快乐、感恩 和积极的生活方式。 同时,也感谢消费者对环保时尚产品服务的支持和喜爱。


Proposal B

The second direction started with the name of the brand itself. First, we abstract the brand's meaning, then combine it with the brand name words again.

This proposal used the brand words directly as a logo of ontology. Adhering to the brand's minimalist style, we didn't add any fancy stuff but only squeaky clean lines and geometric cutting. We used abstract lines to present some of the basic yoga gestures. Not staying itself, but hope the sublimation could represent the yoga, with its insistence on the belief of life.

It was also the final scheme.


第二个方向从品牌本身的名称开始。 首先,我们抽象出品牌的含义,然后再将其与品牌名称词结合起来。
该方案直接使用品牌词作为本体的标识。 秉承品牌的极简风格,我们没有添加任何花哨的东西,只有干净利落的线条和几何剪裁。 我们使用抽象的线条来呈现一些基本的瑜伽姿势。 不是停留在自己身上,而是希望升华能代表瑜伽,是对生命信念的坚持。


Flat design style can also applicate to a variety of occasions perfectly. Through various materials and media, the logo can have the best performance.

扁平化的设计风格也可以完美适用于各种场合。 通过各种材料和媒体,标志可以有最好的表现。


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